
The final instalment...

Once the sales of the V2s have been complete we will begin production & development of the V3 4D Metaverse ready Little Ninjaz. There are currently many different VR Metaverse's to choose from. As we would like to keep to a more realistic one, we will be in talks mainly with projects like Victoria VR. The V3 Little Ninjaz will be the final NFT in the project and will be priced at 1-1.5wETH. There will be 10,000 in all and all founding members will receive a V3 for free.

Rewarding our Community

The aim of the project from day one was to create a passive income stream for all our community. Creating the NFT Little Ninjaz game that will give our V2 owners the ability to use their NFT as a in game character as well as allowing new users to buy in for a small fee and allow in game purchase's to generate a steady income stream for the treasury. The in game accessories and weapons will become tradeable NFTs that can be sold in the game market place, the proceeds of the sales will go to the owner of the NFTs minus a 2.5% fee that will be deposited into the treasury. Map packs and other in game mods will be available as in game purchases and all proceeds will go to the treasury.

The DAO protocol will invest in other DAOs like Wonderland, OHM, Templar just to name a few. To increase the value of the native token. It will also invest in physical mining rigs, mainly ones that show the most profitability. As well as buying Blue Chip NFTs that will be listed at a premium price the community will all own a fraction of the NFTs if they are sold the rewards will be distributed to the community, a portion of the sale price will go back into buying more Blue Chip NFTs.

What next?

Once the Little Ninjaz NFTs series is complete, we will as a community work on creating similar projects. The aim is to help generate wealth for people around the world and in doing so give people the opportunity to live in a world that rewards them every day financially, so that they can have the time to spend with those that matter most to them and pursue a life that follows what they are passionate about, without having to worry about being financially stable.

About the Creator and Founder

My Name is Marco Medici. I am a normal person just like anyone else, I work in an industry that I love but that takes me away from the people I love. Like most people in order to create a future where your children can do well you need to work hard to make that happen.

What if we can just work smarter? This question is what lead me to develop the Little Ninjaz NFT project.

I am the creator and founder of the Little Ninjaz NFT project. I have a vision to help people become financially secure without having to work 84hrs a week. We have entered into a new Digital Renaissance and as my ancestors were at helm of the first one, I thought that at least one Medici should be involved in this one.

I am not greedy, I came from nothing. Everything I have in this world I have worked hard to achieve. I know what sacrifice is, I understand putting others needs above your own. I have worked hard and am at a time in my life where I can say I am financially secure. The thing is when you have money but no time, what is the good of it? The most valuable and finite commodity is time. This project aims to give its community a passive income so that they can have the time to spend with the people who matter to them. I will work just as hard at this as I have and do in life to bring this project to its full potential and provide its community with a passive income stream that hopefully in a short time replaces their annual income.

You can find me on the discord in our Little Ninjaz NFT server I will always answer any questions or am happy just to chat. Feel free to use the link posted earlier and introduce yourself and if you join us Welcome.

Last updated